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  !A HA1071 Lockheed F-104G Starfighter JaBoG 33

!A HA1071 Lockheed F-104G Starfighter JaBoG 33 ...
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Preis: 79.90 EUR inkl. gesetzl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten


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   !A HA19042 F-4F Phantom II Luftwaffe JG71, 1986, Hobbymaster 1:72, NEU 6/2023

!A HA19042 F-4F Phantom II Luftwaffe JG71, 198...
.trixum-mx-auto{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}.trixum-mb-2{margin-bottom:.5rem}.trixum-text-center{text-align:center}.trixum-img{max-width:100%;-o-object-fit:contain;object-fit:contain} ...

Preis: 99.90 EUR inkl. gesetzl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten




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!EW2732008 Boeing B737-200 LUFTHANSA

!EW2732008 Boeing B737-200 LUFTHANSA "Testfarbgeb...
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Preis: 84.90 EUR inkl. gesetzl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Tankograd Pub.

0 German Panzers & Allied Armour in Yugoslavia in World War II, Tankograd Buch, NEU

0 German Panzers & Allied Armour in Yugoslavia in World War II, Tankograd Buch, NEU - Bild vergrößern
Erscheinung und Auslieferung ab Ende Januar 2013

German Panzers & Allied Armour in Yugoslavia in World War II

German Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS, Polizei and Italian Army, Soviet Army, British
Army, Local Fighting Groups

When the Yugoslavia theatre of operations in 1941-45 is mentioned, the first
description that comes to mind is Bandenkampf (anti-Partisan warfare). And truly, more than any other theatre, fighting in the Balkans was among the most irregular and bloody of the whole of World War Two. This publication aims to close a vital gap in documentation of this campaign by providing the first comprehensive account of armoured vehicles and their respective units deployed there. Combat in Yugoslavia also meant an exceptionally large number of combatants were involved. There was the German Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS, German Police, Italian Army, Soviet Army, British Army and, last but not least, various local ethnic groups fighting on one side or the other. All these were equipped with the most amazing and astonishing assembly of armoured vehicles of any theatre of operations in World War Two. Vehicles ranged from early German Panzers, German Beutepanzers captured
in previous campaigns in France and Russia, uniquely outdated Italian tanks and tankettes, to the most modern Soviet and American equipment deployed later in the war. And as if that were not enough, this colourful gathering is furthermore enhanced by improvised armoured vehicles and armoured trains.
This book is a truly unique and outstanding compilation of armoured military
vehicle rarities, curiosities and oddities!

In 200 pages, this hardback book is illustrated with 358 black-and-white
photographs, most of which are hitherto unpublished

Hersteller: Tankograd

Lieferzeit: ca. 5 Werktage ab Zahlungseingang

Bestellnummer: Yugo
Gewicht: 6 gr
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inkl. gesetzl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten in den Warenkorb legen.
Lagerbestand: Nur noch geringe Mengen verfügbar Lagerbestand: Nur noch geringe Mengen verfügbar Lagerbestand: Nur noch geringe Mengen verfügbar
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